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Photography: Heiliger See Enfilade…

Photography: Schinkel's Red Room

Photography: Schinkel's Green Room

Photography: Egyptian Enfilade... or Entree en Bleu...

Photography: Summer in Paretz...

Photography: Colonnades of the Communs...

Photography: Aulus Vitellius...

Photography: Antiquarium...

Photography: Gilded Arches of Mowbray

Photography: La Pompe de Cuvilliés . . . .

Photography: Hommage an Raffael . . . .

Photography: Distinguished Gentlemen . . . .

Photography: Objets Plus Miroir I

Photography: Objets Plus Miroir II

Photography: Schinkel’s Enfilade . . . .

Photography: Cuvilliés Chambre Riche en Verts

Photography: Siam’s Tent . . . .

Photography: Siam’s Tent II . . . .

Photography: Saint-Jean Baptiste

Photography: Palmeira

Photography: Three of Greeks

Photography: Vanishing Colonnades I

Photography: Vanishing Colonnades II

Photography: Neue Kammern Enfilade I

Photography: Palais Lichtenau Festsaal

Photography: Alexa's Bookcase I

Photography: Alexa's Bookcase II

Photography: Greek Column

Photography: Golden Glow

Photography: St Paul's Cathedral

Photography: NYC Blues

Photography: Bellport, Blue/Violet

Photography: Balearic, Red/Violet

Photography: Anguilla Reflections, Magenta

Photography: Anguilla Flare, Orange/Violet